Workshop Çalışmaları ve Konuk Eğitmenler
Hematolia 2019’un 2. günü, saygın ve deneyimli Konuk Eğitmenlerimiz tarafından sunulacak olan Workshop çalışmaları ve Eğitmenler ve özgeçmişleri hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiyi aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
Workshop çalışmaları ve sunumları İngilizce olarak yapılacak, yerli ve yabancı konuk sporcularla beraber gerçekleşecektir.
Workshop konuları İngilizce olarak sunulmuştur.
George Zacharopoulos
George Zacharopoulos, Tarihi Avrupa Savaş Sanatlarını yaklaşık 15 yıldır araştırmakta ve icra etmektedir. Çalışmalarına Uzun kılıç ile (Alman geleneği) başlamış ve daha sonra Rapier (İtalyan ve İspanyol) ve diğer pek çok silahı içerecek şekilde genişletmiştir. Halihazırda Academia da Espada altında La Verdadera Destreza ve Khan geleneğinden Alman kısa kılıç çalışmalarına yoğunlaşmaktadır.
S.C. Hoplomachia Akademisinde, Marxbrüder Hellas Loncasında ve Coriolanos HEMA Takımında HEMA eğitmenliği yapmaktadır. HFA (Historical Fencing Associates) organizasyonunda Provost ve Atina Bartitsu Club 1900’ün kurucusudur. Ninjutsu, Bütünleşik Çin ve Filipino Boksu (Angelos Fasois tarafından), Spor eskrim ve Spor okçuluk geçmişi bulunmaktadır. Jim Wagner tarafından geliştirilen Gerçeklik Temelli Bireysel Savunma (Reality Based Personal Protection) sisteminde lisanslı Bıçak ile Hayatta Kalma eğitmenidir.
Yunanistan, Avrupa ve ABD’de gerçekleşen HEMA etkinliklerinde ve turnuvalarda bulunmuş ve Workshop eğitimleri vermiştir. 2011’de Batsioulas Yayınlarından çıkmış olan “Şövalyevari Kılıç Sanatı” isimli Yunanca HEMA kitabının Chrysovalantis Tampakakis ile birlikte ortak yazarlığını yapmıştır. Son kitabı, Philipp Müller’in 1847 tarihli askeri kılıç yazması olan “Silahşörlüğe Teorik ve Uygulamalı bir Giriş” kitabının ingilizce tercümesi Fallen Rook’ndan çıkmıştır. HEMAC üyesi ve Tarihi Avrupa Savaş Sanatları Helenik Federasyonu sekreteri görevini sürdürmektedir.
Hoplomacia Akademisi:
Workshop Konuları:
LONGSWORD: Cover, Zwerch, Wrestle
We will start with the counter-warding from the Zuefechten. How do we approach our opponent by covering the line and then we will proceed to apply the same principle in Anbinden by moving and aligning our body and blade properly.
We will follow up with the Zwerchau , one of the most characteristic meisterhau of the Liechtenauer tradition and we will explore some tricks and tips beyond it’s standard use… zwerch with a twist…
Time permitted we will practice a few techniques of Ringen am Schwert mainly from the Hengen.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Equipment: Sword, mask, gloves
ITALIAN RAPIER – Nicoletto Giganti
In this workshop we will work a little bit on the basics – body mechanics, footwork, guards- of the Italian rapier fighting using as a guide the teachings of the Venetian maestro Nicoletto Giganti as laid out in his treatise “Scola, overo, teatro…” (1606) but we will focus more on various suggestions – diverse (artful) parries and counters, defense against cuts, close distance techniques (coming to grips) etc- from his “lost second book” published in 1608.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Equipment: Sword, mask, gloves, chest protector
Jerzy Miklaszewski
Jerzy Miklaszewski started his 24 years of martial art experience with the first Polish branch of ITF (International Tae Kwon Do Federation), studying under Marek Lech, one of the precursors of the Polish Tae Kwon Do.
Jerzy has created an initiative called the Silkfencing team, which is developing even more, through scientific and practical research. His cooperation with many worldwide specialists has made his research and his knowledge develop, he is cooperating with many important organization, such as HEMA Alliance (he is the only member in Poland), National Museum in Kraków, Jagiellonian University Museum, Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Broni i Barwy, Jiu Jiutsu Union, Polish Sport Fencing Federation and many other institutions. His school is one of the only seven Polish schools that are in official cooperation with Polish Fencing Association. He is as well a member of Polish Knight Fighting Cadre, with which he achieved World Vice Championship in Armoured Group Fighting on IMCF. He has won many tournaments in countries like England, Poland, Scotland, Italy or even Australia. His unique research of the Polish Szabla has been brought by him to many places in the world, as he already conducted seminars in over 20 countries including Japan, England, Scotland, USA, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Thailand, Ireland and of course Poland.
Since 2014 Silkfencing Team became a study group of the Meyer Freifechter Guild and a Pammachon organization and HEMA Alliance. In 2017 Silkfencing Team started a cooperation with ARMA-PL Kraków, creating Krakowska Szkoła Fechtunku (KSF), the biggest professional HEMA center in southern Poland and operated. In 2018 his research was published with a museum exhibition he co-authored „To Arms!” which presented not only HEMA to common people but also gave fencing practitioners insight into a very complex topics of saber history in Eastern Europe. With lots of analyzed treatises, manuals and with the experience verified by many different schools throughout the entire world, KSF team always learns, analyses and adapts, representing a young and ever evolving attitude towards life and understanding of changing environment.
Workshop Konuları:
Karl Timlich’s System from 1796 “Abhandlung der Fechtkunst auf den Hieb zu Fuss und zu Pferde”
Born Czech, (Bohemia 1744) Karl Timlich was an Austrian cavalry officer, and later teacher of Kaiser Leibguard.
Being one of the first modern sabre fencing treatises I have studied. This one is very interesting, as TImlich is a little bit like Meyer, he presents a very diverse set of possible, for hm fencing is like a science, should be studied broadly. This approach allows a very diverse view presented in his research. This will be an introductory class, so people with no or full equipment and with or without HEMA experience are welcome.
Level: Beginner
Equipment: None
“The tricks of the trade” on Sabre
“The tricks of the trade” seminar would be a more advanced seminar, consisting of lots of curiosities you can see in many regional sabre fencing of eastern Europe. We will learn many interesting actions that are ascribed to Caucasian, Tartars, Ottomans, Hungarians, Russians and Poles that have been described or just even mentioned in many memoirs, treatises of the 16th to 18th century.
This class will be a more advanced one – therefore I would require at least a fencing mask and cup.
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Mask, cup (groin protector)
Miroslav Lesichkov
Erken bir yaştan itibaren Miroslav Lesichkov silahlı ve silahsız pek çok savaş sanatı ve dövüş sporunda eğitim aldı. Bulgar Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nde görev yapan Miroslav, Üsteğmen rütbesine erişti.
Yıllar süren tarihi araştırma ve çalışmanın sonucunda, Miroslav Lesichkov “Motus” Tarihi Kılıç Silahşörlüğü Okulunu 2003 yılında kurdu. Temel eğitim programı Liechtenauer geleneğine ve tek elli kılıç, kılıç ve buckler ve uzun kılıç kullanımına dayalıdır.
Bu tarihten itibaren ulusal müzelerde, eğitim kurumlarında ve diğer etkinliklerde pek çok ders, workshop çalışması ve sunumlar düzenlemiştir. Sayın Lesichkov aynı zamanda “Voevoda” isimli Bulgar tarihi filminin yapımında danışman ve eğitmen olarak görev almıştır. 2015 yılında Racine, ABD’de gerçekleşen ve 10. yılını kutlayan Western Martial Arts Workshop (WMAW) etkinliğine eğitmen olarak davet edilmiş ve burada 2 ders sunumu gerçekleştirmiştir.
MOTUS Tarihi Kılıç Silahşörlüğü Okulu:
Workshop Konuları:
I. Guard your Borders!
Wide distance cutting exercises with sword in one hand for developing correct body mechanics, natural body-weapon structure, flow and rhythm. During the workshop, we will learn a series of basic drills, applicable to a wide variety of one-handed cut-and-thrust weapons
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Еquipment: Preferably arming sword, but any one-handed sword will do
II. Your priorities in the Bind: “Fuhlen” and the Word “Indes”
“Fuhlen”,“Soft”, “Hard” and “Indes” with sword in one hand. We will work over several simple examples of application of the paramount principles concerning the actions after the bind. The examples are applicable for a wide variety of one-handed cut-and-thrust weapons.
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Preferably arming sword, but any one-handed sword will do
Tom Outwin
Tom eskrime 1967 yılında, 12 yaşında Houston, Texas’ta başladı. Daha sonra Allen Askeri Akademisinde bulundu ve akademinin takımına flöreci olarak katıldı. Kolej hayatı boyunca eskrime devam etti ve nihayetinde, daha sonra Maitre Sebastiani tarafından Prevot d’Armes olarak tescilleneceği Salle Sebastiani’ye katıldı. 1979 yılında Maitre Sebastiani tarafından Avrupa’ya, Fransa, İtalya ve Avusturya’da pek çok ustanın altında çalışmak üzere yollandı. Tom, bir süre Avusturya’da kaldı, Erste Fecht Union ile çalıştı ve bu sürede Avrupa’da Sabre ve Epe kategorilerinde müsabakalara katıldı.
Tom yıllar boyunca eğitmenlik vermeye devam etti ve nihayetinde, 2010 yılında New Jersey’de kendi Salle’ini açtı. Aynı dönemde Tarihi ve Klasik kılıç sanatları üzerine çalışmalarına başladı. Tom’un Salle’i, Salle Marquis de Lafayette, Academie Duello ile yakın bağlantı içindedir ve Tom, Akademie Duello’nun Rapier ve Longsword çalışmalarını eğitme lisansına sahiptir.
Tom, Avusturya’daki çalışmaları sırasında tanıştığı Zeynep ile evlidir, ve Türk ailesi kökeniyle , İstanbul Tarihi Savaş Sanatları Birliğine yakından bağlıdır ve Birliğin dünyaca tanınan bir kulüp olma çabalarına yardımcı olmaktadır.
Salle Marquis de Lafayette:
Ton Puey
Having practised karate shotokan during his childhood and teenage years, he gets into olympic fencing in 1995, and from 2002 onwards he begins his path within historical fencing.
Eventually, his interest in the Rapier sword leads him into learning about the school of La Verdadera Destreza from spanish and portughese treatises of the Spanish Golden Age, and he specializes in such discipline – although he also works with the Longsword (XV century italian tradition) and the Smallsword (XVIII century french tradition). As of today, besides working with several weapons and typical combinations of La Verdadera Destreza during the XVII century, he’s interpreting Montante rules of the XVI and XVII centuries. He’s a founding member of AGEA (Asociación Galega de Esgrima Antiga), honorary member of FEEH (Federación Española de Esgrima Histórica), member of the editorial staff of AGEA Editora and member of HEMAC. In 2015 he’s acknowledged as Mestre de Armas by HEMA Portugal. Nowadays, he’s general manager and Mestre de Armas of his latest project, Academia da Espada, focused in the study of La Verdadera Destreza through the characteristic weapons of the discipline’s heyday. As a teacher, besides his day-to-day work as instructor in A Coruña, Galicia, he’s imparted seminars and workshops in France, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, the USA, the UK, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Portugal and Spain.
Academia de Espada: